Further, I enter in a yard were I see Birojeon or the Hall with Budha Vairocana. The construction was erected on 751, has been burnt by the Japanese invaders and rebuilt on 1666.
The Saritap from the yard, a stupa of 206 cm heigh, was built by the widow of a king, during the 800s. My attention is drawn by the small pebbles piles. They are left by the believers who asked something from the Gods.
The next construction is Gwaneumjeon, where one may see Gwanseeum Bosal or the Hearer of Cries, who always hears and helps people in need.
Before I leave the temple, I admire the big bell. Near the exit gate, a wonderful fir-tree is blooming once again, adding another year to the centuries of the temple...
Mai departe intru intr-o curte adiacenta celei care adaposteste pavilionul principal si dau de un altul, mai mic, numit Birojeon sau Holul cu Budha Vairocana, cel care intruchipeaza Adevarul, Intelepciunea si Puterea cosmica. Constructia dateaza din 751, a fost arsa de japonezi si reconstruita in 1666. Reconstruirea s-a facut pe baza pietrelor de temelie ale cladirii, datand din perioada Shilla si folosind planuri din timpul dinastiei Joseon. Un Budha din bronz bogat aurit, masurand 177 cm inaltime, se afla in centru.
The Saritap from the yard, a stupa of 206 cm heigh, was built by the widow of a king, during the 800s. My attention is drawn by the small pebbles piles. They are left by the believers who asked something from the Gods.
The next construction is Gwaneumjeon, where one may see Gwanseeum Bosal or the Hearer of Cries, who always hears and helps people in need.
Before I leave the temple, I admire the big bell. Near the exit gate, a wonderful fir-tree is blooming once again, adding another year to the centuries of the temple...
Mai departe intru intr-o curte adiacenta celei care adaposteste pavilionul principal si dau de un altul, mai mic, numit Birojeon sau Holul cu Budha Vairocana, cel care intruchipeaza Adevarul, Intelepciunea si Puterea cosmica. Constructia dateaza din 751, a fost arsa de japonezi si reconstruita in 1666. Reconstruirea s-a facut pe baza pietrelor de temelie ale cladirii, datand din perioada Shilla si folosind planuri din timpul dinastiei Joseon. Un Budha din bronz bogat aurit, masurand 177 cm inaltime, se afla in centru.
Budha Vairocana
In curte, imi atrage atentia Saritap (nume initial Gwanghak), o stupa de 206 cm inaltime, construita in anii 800 de catre sotia unui rege al Shillei, care dupa moartea sotului ei s-a calugarit, luind numele budist Gwanghak. In timpul Shillei unificate, multi regi si regine s-au calugarit. Aceasta stupa a fost dusa in Japonia in 1905 dar a fost inapoiata in 1933. In prezent, in Coreea de Sud exista o intensa preocupare de recuperare a comorilor sale istorice si culturale, risipite in multe parti ale lumii, inclusiv in Europa. Televiziunea prezinta, in pauzele dintre programe, mici filme documentare despre comorile regasite.
stupa Saritap
Tot aici in curte vad acele movilite formate din pietre, care pot parea curioase unora dar care reprezinta ruga celor care au trecut pe aici, catre zei. Indiferent ce-si doresc ei, nu uita sa construiasca aceste mici gramezi si, dupa cum vedeti, nu sunt putini cei care s-au conformat acestui obicei.
O scara frumoasa ne desparte de urmatoarea curte, care adaposteste Gwaneumjeon sau Altarul lui Avalokitesvara, unde se afla Gwanseeum Bosal sau Cel Care Aude Strigatele. El ii ajuta intotdeauna pe cei aflati in suferinta, care striga dupa ajutor. Statuia originala data din 922.
Gwanseeum Bosal
Pe aleile minunatului parc in care se afla templul, ma indrept spre iesire, nu inainte de a admira clopotul templului si de a vizita micul magazin de suveniruri.
In drum spre poarta de iesire din complex, un brad superb a inflorit langa acoperisul traditional, adaugand inca un an de viata la secolele templului...
Very interrestin.... good work again.
Greetings, Joop
Thanks, Joop!
that side of this country i want to explore. more more!
Thanks, dong ho, for the visit. Unfortunately, next post will be the last one from South Korea:(
Wow, this is such a beautiful and fascinating place. I would love to visit one day. You show us just how amazing such a setting can be. Thank you Traveling Hawk! To answer your question about the Strawberry Chapel post, I am not sure how it got the name. There were several tiny settlements in the area in the 18th century, all of them gone now. Maybe it was named after one of those.
Thank you, Doug! You also show us so many interesting places!
Beautiful captures of the sacred place !
These are wonderful. I really like the stacked stone.
Thank you, Wong, for the appreciation!
Thanks, Randy! Have a nice Sunday in the Land of Enchantment!
very fascinating photos and i enjoy the history lesson.
Thanks for the appreciation, Life Ramblings!
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