Neither this year did I resist to the temptation to walk with my camera in my town gilded by the autumn. These are those days of the last nature breath, before to enter into the long winter hibernation sleep, which I love! Here is part of my "prey":
Nici anul asta n-am rezistat tentatiei de a ma plimba, cu aparatul foto, prin Timisoara aurita de toamna. Sunt acele zile de ultima rasuflare a naturii, inainte de a intra in somnul lung al iernii, care imi plac mult. Iata cam cu ce m-am intors:
Nici anul asta n-am rezistat tentatiei de a ma plimba, cu aparatul foto, prin Timisoara aurita de toamna. Sunt acele zile de ultima rasuflare a naturii, inainte de a intra in somnul lung al iernii, care imi plac mult. Iata cam cu ce m-am intors:
bine-nţeles că, în stilul tău caracteristic, nu umbli cu jumătăţi de măsură...
belşug de culori, de compoziţii...
o desfătare...
mulţumesc, şoimule...
multumesc si eu, Victor...
Love the golden hue of the season, beautiful leaves collection
frumoasa recolta :)
Glad you took time off to wonder into nature, it's good for your and my health !
Thank you, Hanjie!
Rox: asa-i? :)
You are so right, Wong!
super frumoase fotografii!
It's good to see all these lovely autumnal leaves on yours and other blogs! We don't get this kind of seasonal colour in Malaysia.
Duncan In Kuantan
Ce adunare splendida si colorata!!!
Wow!!! E mai frumos decat in Japonia! Astept si eu sa vina iarna si pe aici ca sa se schimbe culorile naturii. Deocamdata 20 si de grade si soare... Nu pot decat sa-mi doresc sa ma plimb si eu pe meleagurile noastre si sa admir natura, dar..
O toamna minunata in continuare!
Nice colored leaves....good autumn pictures.....well done.
Greetings, Joop
Superb! Cum sa rezisti unei astfel de plimbari?! Ar fi si pacat! Atata culoare si atata frumusete, si totul gratuit... numai natura poate fi atat de generoasa!
What a striking collection of images you have swooped up Traveling Hawk! Brilliant camera work!
Multumesc, Claudia!
Yes, Duncan, but you have always beautiful flowers instead :)
Multumesc, Liliana!
Nu stiu daca chiar e mai frumos ca in Japonia sau Coreea de Sud, Ami, fiindca ei sunt "specializati" pe coloritul de toamna al frunzelor, dar e foarte frumos si la noi. Mai ales cand toamna mai sta cu noi si in aceste prime zile de noiembrie...Multumesc pentru vizita, Ami!
Thank you, Joop!
Asa e, Cristina, ai dreptate. Numai noi nu stim sa apreciem asta, intotdeauna...
Thank you very much, Doug! I feel honoured :)
Truly beautiful! Autumn with its blazing trees, incredible colours and the specific fragrance in the air is stunning. Here we are also enjoying beautiful and colourful days:)
Thank you, Joo, for your comment!
Awesome! Golden leaves. These photos are nice to look at. Very relaxing. :)
My good friend,
Filled my eyes with wonderful pictures and colors, and to thank you for this!
many greetings
Wow, a really beautiful series of photographs! Thanks for a colorful visit.
Thanks, Rizalenio, for your opinion!
Greetings, Magda, and thanks!
Hi, Barbara! Thanks for the appreciation.
Thanks for the visit, per ove!
Beautiful photos!Autumn colored leaves are so beautiful.
Welcome, Kumiko, on my blog! Thank you for the kind words.
Gorgeous colors, one of my favorite subjects...
Thanks for the visit, VP! Have a great weekend!
So spectacular and the main thing is daily we watching around us this nature but never I think to shoot it. You are such a talented to take a natural things, beautiful bunch of leaf you selected.
Welcome, donations for kids, and thank you!
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