We visited the ruins of Wat Phra Phai Luang, near the great North gate of the Old Town Sukhotai. They are encircled by a large moat full of water, of 600 m length at each side.
Three large prangs, adorned with stucco have been built here by the Khmers, before the Thai Kingdom. The decorative motifs are both Hindu and Buddhist.
Later on, a chedi and several viharns have been added to the East of the prangs.They are adorned by offerings. Among the ruins, only small fragments of statues remind on the might and wealth of old Sukhotai.
In the Eastern part of the temple, it was a mandapa which contained Buddha images in four postures: standing, reclining, walking and sitting. They have been made of red brickes, plastered and colored.
This place, with its monuments, confirms the contacts of the local communities with the Khmers and demonstrate the evolution of theThai people.
Aproape de marea poarta de nord a Orasului Vechi Sukhotai, se afla Wat Phra Phai Luang, cu ruinele a numeroase cladiri, care demonstreaza etapele de evolutie a orasului. Ele sunt inconjurate de cate un sant larg, plin cu apa, de cate 600 m lungime pe fiecare latura.
Trei turnuri mari, impodobite cu stucatura, dateaza dinaintea fondarii Regatului Thai si au fost construite de khmeri. Motivele ornamentale sunt hinduse si budhiste.
Dupa convertirea la budhism, in partea de est a turnurilor s-a adaugat un chedi si mai multe viharnuri. Desi atat de vechi si parand parasite, ruinele sunt impodobite de ofrandele lasate de credinciosii care mai vin sa se inchine aici.
Three large prangs, adorned with stucco have been built here by the Khmers, before the Thai Kingdom. The decorative motifs are both Hindu and Buddhist.
Later on, a chedi and several viharns have been added to the East of the prangs.They are adorned by offerings. Among the ruins, only small fragments of statues remind on the might and wealth of old Sukhotai.
In the Eastern part of the temple, it was a mandapa which contained Buddha images in four postures: standing, reclining, walking and sitting. They have been made of red brickes, plastered and colored.
This place, with its monuments, confirms the contacts of the local communities with the Khmers and demonstrate the evolution of theThai people.
Aproape de marea poarta de nord a Orasului Vechi Sukhotai, se afla Wat Phra Phai Luang, cu ruinele a numeroase cladiri, care demonstreaza etapele de evolutie a orasului. Ele sunt inconjurate de cate un sant larg, plin cu apa, de cate 600 m lungime pe fiecare latura.
Trei turnuri mari, impodobite cu stucatura, dateaza dinaintea fondarii Regatului Thai si au fost construite de khmeri. Motivele ornamentale sunt hinduse si budhiste.
Dupa convertirea la budhism, in partea de est a turnurilor s-a adaugat un chedi si mai multe viharnuri. Desi atat de vechi si parand parasite, ruinele sunt impodobite de ofrandele lasate de credinciosii care mai vin sa se inchine aici.
Trecem printre ruinele innegrite ale altor constructii, pe care au ramas doar fragmente din statuile si basoreliefurile care le impodobeau altadata. Desi marturiile sunt putine, ele te fac sa te duci cu gandul la maretia de alta data a Regatului Thai.
In partea de est a templului exista o zona care adapostea imagini ale lui Buddha in patru posturi: in picioare, mergand, sezand si culcat. Se mai poate vedea foarte putin astazi, ele fiind in avansata stare de degradare, dar ceea ce vedem ne arata ca erau construite din caramida rosie, care era apoi tencuita si vopsita. Buddha in picioare
Buddha mergand
Buddha culcat
Locul acesta, cu monumentele sale, confirma faptul ca comunitatile din Sukhotai aveau contacte culturale cu khmerii si ne arata evolutia populatiei Thai.
Your a good photographer, you show us much details and give us always a lot of information.
Greetings, Joop
Another great collection! You made me feel like visiting this amazing country!
have a great weekend:)
Thank you, Joop, for visiting my blog and commenting! I wish you a nice weekend!
Thanks, Joo! It surely pays to visit Northern Thailand one day. I wish you a nice weekend!
Another nice series of exotic pictures...
Thank you, VP!
I would love to explore this place. Looks like I would be there for a few days just taking photos.
I love all the photos esp the last two. I want to see the reclining buddha upclose and personal. Happy weekend, my dear friend. :)
Very interesting photos and informations my friend!!!
There are so much details!!!
Thank you for this nice tour!
Have a very good weekend!
Verbal verification in the comments, that much harder, with two words that are not distinguished.
Please, you can remove it?
Hi Traveling Hawk, it's been a while since I've been over to your blog. Once again, thanks for taking the time to share your interesting travel photos!
Yeah, Randy, you are right! Lots of subjects there!
Almost nothing remains of the reclining Buddha,Rizalenio. I recognizes the statue after the feet.
I removed the verification system, Magda. I also have this problem on other blogs. Thank you for your comment!
You are welcome, Duncan!
Also this blog is once again full of interesting facts and beautiful photos. I love the beautiful pink water lilies. The buildings and darover information is also very interesting sant. I enjoy it every time again.
Greetings, Helma
Thank you for the comment, Helma!
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