Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Calator in Thailanda 26. Parcul Istoric Si Satchanalai (2) / Traveller in Thailand 26. The Historical Park Si Satchanalai (2)

The second part of the post concerning the Si Satchanalai Historical Park presents other 4 wats we have seen there. All the information, for both Sukhotai and Si Satchanalai Historical Park, has as source aguide published by the Fine Arts Departments, which can be bought at the park entrance (110 bht).

Wat Suan Keao Utthayan Noi se afla cam la 200 m de Wat Chang Lom. El are un chedi principal, cu un varf characteristic in forma de mugure de lotus si 13 chedi mai mici. Templul este inconjurat de un zid scund, cu doua intrari, ca mai toate de aici.
Wat Suan Keao Utthayan Noi
Chiar vis-a-vis de Wat Chang Lom se afla Wat Chedi Che Thaeo, o constructie mai mare, cu 33 de chedi, inconjurata initial de un sant. Denumirea sa s-ar traduce prin "templul cu 7 randuri de chedi". Acestea sunt construite in stiluri diferite. Se crede ca aici ar fi pastrata cenusa familiei regale din Sukhotai. Dintre toate, se remarca un chedi care, intr-o firida, adaposteste o imagine a lui Buddha asezat pe o naga incolacita.
Wat Chedi Che Thaeo
Wat Suan Keao Utthayan Yai, mai are un chedi in stil Sri Lankan si fundatia cu 10 stalpi din laterit, care sprijineau acoperisul viharn-ului. Un sarpe lenevea la soare pe zidul scund, inconjurator, confundandu-se cu lateritul.
Wat Suan Keao Utthayan Yai
Wat Nang Phaya atrage inca atentia printr-un chedi mare, sustinut de o baza inalta, ornamentata o data cu statui de elefanti si prin resturile unui perete al viharnului, ornamentat cu stucatura, cu influente chinezesti si ale stilului Lanna. Aceasta este o manastire buddhista care dateaza din perioada Ayutthaya, secolul al 16-lea, suficient de importanta pentru a fi asezata in centrul orasului. Totusi, cronicile nu pastreaza nici o marturie despre ea.
Wat Nang Phaya
Se mai pot vedea in parcul istoric fragmente din zidul inconjurator al orasului vechi Si Satchanalai si Poarta Ramnarong. Undeva, in dreptul sau a existat un fort pentru aparare. Pe iarba din jur se plimbau alene niste starci albi. Un panou ne atentioneaza ca in Si Satchanalai, patrimoniu UNESCO, nu se fumeaza (nici chiar in aer liber fiind!)
Spre iesire, trecem pe langa cativa oameni care ingrijesc parcul.
Informatiile despre cele doua parcuri istorice, Sukhotai si Si Satchanalai, le-am luat dintr-un ghid editat de Departamentul de Arte Frumoase, care se poate cumpara la intrarea in parc (110 bht).



ohno, there's a snake!!! :)

Wonderful set of photos again, my dear friend. As always, I felt like I've visited this place with you just by staring at your amazing photos.

Thanks a lot.

Doug Hickok said...

Wow, simply amazing place! It is like an outdoor museum, a very precious location to protect. Thanks for the fantastic pictures and presentation TH!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Rizalenio, for being such a frequent visitor of my blog!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Doug! Both Historical Parks (Sukhotai and Si Satchanalai) are under UNESCO protection. They are fantastic places! We have been lucky enough that few visitors (if any) have been at both sites.

Anonymous said...

so much to see, so much to learn about this fascinating country!

Traveling Hawk said...

thanks, Theanne!

Dani P. said...

Oh, Doamne ! Ai stat sa fotografiezi un sarpeeee !!!! Eu o luam la sanatoasa, mi-e o frica de nu pot sa-i vad ... In rest, arata minunat, templele astea din jungla sint ca in povestea lui Mowgli.

VP said...

One more great set of pictures...

joo said...

I love this set!

Traveling Hawk said...

Arata inovensiv, Dani si m-am gandit ca nu incap eu in burta lui:)

Da, ai dreptate si lui Mowgli i-ar fi placut acolo, mai ales daca aparea si Baloo:)

Traveling Hawk said...

I am glad you like Thailand, VP!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks, Joo!


Hi, Traveling Hawk. I love your site. I check it daily for my dose of inspiration. It's like a happy pill. Happy weekend. :)

Traveling Hawk said...

Happy pill? That's a good one, Rizalenio! Thanks!

LifeRamblings said...

such a peaceful place to find a moment's peace.

Helma said...

What a great trip this must have been Travelink Hawk. I just do not know what that is in picture 4. Small niche but have no idea what it is.

Also huge tree roots and even a snake! What will you have a body of knowledge. Beautiful series again.

Greetings, Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

So it was, Life Ramblings!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Helma!

In photo no. 4 there are the remnants of a siting Buddha statue. Yes, you are right, it was a great trip, as I could see a little bit of rural Thailand too.

magda said...

Very interesting and the two historical parks!
I love the statues and details!
I was very impressed, the smoking ban!!!!
I wish you a wonderful weekend, my beloved friend!
many kisses

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Magda for all your comments!

Kumiko said...

Wonderful photos!

These historcal ruins are very impressive to me.

They create sacred and solemn atmosphere.

Traveling Hawk said...

You are right, Kumiko! Thanks for the visit.

Helma said...

Okay now I understand indeed. There has ever been Boedah image. Thank you vioor your explanation.

Greetings, Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

You are welcome, Helma!