Monday, February 27, 2012

Calator in Thailanda 27. Wat Phra Si Ratanamahathat / Traveller in Thailand 27. Wat Phra Si Ratanamahathat

The last temple which we visited in Si Satchanalai, and may be the most interesting, was Wat Phra Si Ratanamahathat. The archeological remains suggest that the complex was erected in the pre-Sukhotai period, probably around 1237.

The Khmer style prang, adorned with fine stucco, is impressive. Also the entrance is interesting here. In front of the main altar a huge sitting Buddha statue has very fine hands, adorned with gold leaves by the devotee. Other statue is a walking Buddha.

A new viharn has been built in front of the old temple. Inside, I saw a lot of Buddha images in different positions.

This was the last visited objective here in Si Satchanalai but also in Sukhotai. Next day, in the morning, we had a flight to Bangkok.

Ultimul templu vizitat la Si Satchanalai si poate cel mai interesant a fost Wat Phra Si Ratanamahathat, aflat in afara perimetrului Parcului Istoric.

Dovezile arheologice indica ca acest complex dateaza din perioada pre-Sukhotai. Stucatura decorativa poarta amprenta anticului stil Bayon Khmer. Unii cercetatori afirma ca fondarea templului dateaza din jurul anului 1237. Altarul principal apartine perioadei Ayutthaya dar artefactele gasite sugereaza construirea sa pe o structura anterioara, mai veche. Se mai pot vedea aici resturile unui chedi mare, construit din laterit si datand dintr-o alta perioada decat altarul principal si un chedi mai mic, bine pastrat.
Ceea ce impresioneaza aici si e deosebit de ce am vazut pana acum este intrarea principala, frumos ornamentata.
 intrarea in complexul Wat Phra Si Ratanamahathat
In curte, mai multi oameni pregateau o sarbatorire, asezand corturi, mese si umbrele. Vreo doi credinciosi dadeau ocol altarului principal, din jurul impresionantului turn Khmer.
Chiar in fata altarului, un Buddha mare, sezand in pozitia de imblanzire a Marei, are pe degetele lungi si subtiri o multime de foite de aur, lipite de credinciosi. De o parte si de alta a sa se afla inca doua statui, una reprezentandu-l pe Buddha umbland.
In fata templului vechi, a fost construit un viharn nou, care adaposteste o multime de imagini ale lui Budha. Aici se incheie vizita noastra la Si Satchanalai dar si la Sukhotai. A doua zi, dimineata, am plecat la Bangkok.


Anonymous said...


Joop Zand said...

THANKS....for these lovely serie photo's.....nice work again.

greetings, Joop

Traveling Hawk said...

Welcome, Theanne!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Joop! Have a great week!

- Yvonaut -
Das sind Raphael und Yvonne

Very nice series again!
Many greetings
Yvonne & Raphael

VP said...

These statues sometimes have funny expressions...

joo said...

Another interesting place to visit.Thanks for sharing.
As for the church I posted this morning, I don't know anything apart from the fact that it'e Protestant Church. It was closed and I couldn't find any information.
Have a nice week:)

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you for the comment, Yvonaut! Have a nice day!

Traveling Hawk said...

This place was very interesting, VP.

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you for the visit and the answer, Joo! Have a great week!

LifeRamblings said...

the statues of Buddha look very intriguing. thanks for the virtual tour again.

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks for the comment, Life Ramblings!

Doug Hickok said...

You are so fortunate TH to see such extraordinary places! The historic ruins are a marvel :^) Wonderful presentation, as always.


The statue at the fifth photo is smiling back at me. Is that you at the top? Very courageous. :)

Traveling Hawk said...

Yes Doug, I am very grateful that at my old age I managed to see all these places! I longed a life time to see them but it was not possible during the communist regime.

Traveling Hawk said...

Ha, ha, Rizalenio, funny as usual! No, it's not me but near the top of the prang (photo 11) it's my daughter:)

Helma said...

What have you seen how many Traveling Hawk, and what the world has yet beautiful temples and history. What a treat this with you can view. Just beautiful.

Kind regards, Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Helma!

magda said...

Wonderful and very interesting photos!!!
Best regards my friend!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Magda! All the best!

Liliana said...

Cele roz sunt corturi? Sau sunt ceva ofrande de ars?

Traveling Hawk said...

Sunt umbrele de soare, Liliana. Se organiza locul pentru o sarbatoare, dar mai mult nu s-a priceput sa ne explice soferul care era cu noi, stia abia cateva cuvinte engelzesti.