Saturday, March 31, 2012

Circuit in Turcia 3. Moscheea Albastra / Roundtrip in Turkey 3. The Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque, the most famous in Istanbul, is unique in Turkey because it has 6 minarets. The construction begun on 1603 and ended on 1617. It is said that Sultan Ahmet Camii asked for gold minarets but the words "six" and "gold" being much asame, the mosque got 6 minarets! The name is given by 20000 glazured tiles, produced at Iznik and Kuthaya. The models represent flowers, trees or are abstracts. A number of 260 windows provie the light. This is a working mosque, so it may be visited outside the special hours of prayers. If you are individual tourists, prepare for a long wait at the entrance.

Moscheea Albastra, cea mai renumita din Istanbul, este unica in Turcia deoarece are 6 minarete. Constructia a durat intre 1603-1617. Se pare ca Sultan Ahmet Camii care a poruncit inaltarea sa, a cerut minarete de aur. Cele doua cuvinte "aur" si "sase" fiind asemanatoare...Arhitectura este una deosebita prin efectul pe care il creeaza domurile asezate in cascada. Numele moscheii se datoreaza interiorului sau, unde 20000 de placi ceramice de Iznik sau de Kuthaya, creeaza aceasta culoare continua, prezentand modele diverse: flori, copaci dar si modele abstracte. Lumina intra pe 260 de ferestre. Moschee este in functie, deci poate fi vizitata doar in afara orelor de slujba.
Daca nu faceti parte dintr-un grup organizat, pregatiti-va pentru o lunga asteptare la intrare, datorita numarului mare de turisti care o viziteaza.
Moscheea Albastra
un baietel imbracat pentru ceremonialul de circumcizie (in Turcia el are loc cand baiatul ajunge la 6-7 ani; costumul de print sau sultan subliniaza importanta evenimentului)
faianta de Iznik


Doug Hickok said...

As always TH, your presentation is enchanting! You travel to the most amazing places :^)

joo said...

It's a beautiful mosque and your photos are superb!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Phivos, for coming here!

Traveling Hawk said...

I have a list, Doug:)

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you for the appreciation, Joo!

Helma said...

These minarets are indeed very special. The many colors and mosaics are very impressive. Prachtgie series and really nice information.

Greetings, Helma

VP said...

Interesting set of pictures, I can recognize some of the places...

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks Helma for the appreciation.

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks, VP! I'm glad I brought into your memory a place you have seen.