Sunday, April 8, 2012

Circuit in Turcia 11. O zi de leneveala / Roundtrip in Turkey 11. Lazy Day Out

If you don't want to stay on the crowded beach in Marmaris, you can take a trip called Lazy Day Out, and bath and sunbath yourself on a boat. The trip is also called "The Five Bays Trip" because they will take you in five bays, around Marmaris. We saw the fish farm, the Paradise Island, The Sulphureous Cave, Amos Bay, little town Turunc where we went to shore, and the Green Sea. There have been 3 stops of half an hour each for bathing from the boat, and a two hours stop in Turunc. All in all a very pleasant trip. Transport and lunch on board costs 9 euros/person, and with 15 euros/person you may drink juices and mineral water ad libitum (as much as you like). A beer was 5 TL.

Daca nu ai chef sa stai pe plaja inghesuita din Marmaris, poti face baie si te poti bronza pe puntea unui vaporas si, in plus, mai vezi cate ceva. Turcii, despre care am constatat ca sunt foarte buni si eficienti in turism, au inventat pentru asta o excursie speciala care se numeste Lazy Day Out, tradus lejer printr-o zi de leneveala. Trebuie sa te targuiesti la fata locului fiindca pretul difera usor si e si in functie de ce ofera. Pe vasul cu care am mers noi excursia a costat 9 euro/persoana daca doreai doar pranzul si 15 euro/persoana "all inclusive", adica - in plus - cate sucuri sau ape doreai pe durata excursiei. Berea se platea separat si costa 5 TL ( 1 euro erau 1.73-1.75 TL, in 2007).

Am trecut prin locuri cu nume pitoresti, prin cinci golfuri, am facut trei opriri de cate jumatate de ora pentru baie, ne-am apropiat cat am putu de mult de intrarea intr-o pestera si am zabovit - pret de o ora - in oraselul Turunc, aflat in apropiere de Marmaris.  Va las in tovarasia fotografiilor care vor sustine ceea ce am scris.
 ferma de pesti

 Insula Paradisului
 ne asteptam randul la Pestera Sulfuroasa
 intrarea in pestera
 vasul nostru isi baga si el nasul
 la Aquarium, un irlandez cam ametit dar bine dispus si vorbaret
 ne apropiem de Golful Amos
 asezarea din golf
 aproape de micul chei din Turunc
 in prim plan, vasul nostru
 statuia lui Ataturk
 in parc, la Turunc
 Marea Verde, ultima oprire pentru baie
 si noi si altii, plecam spre "casa"
 la Icmeler, langa Marmaris



The water is so clear. I feel like diving there.

Have a blessed Sunday, my dear friend.

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks very much, Rizalenio, for your visit!

FilipBlog said...

You have a very interesting blog and I just added you to my blogrol. We also like to travel and visited 24 countries in the last 3 years. During 2012 we will add a few to our list.

Have a happy easter,

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks, Filip! You are welcome to my blog.

Happy Easter to you too!

VP said...

I like lazy days out during trips...

Traveling Hawk said...

They are rewarding indeed, VP!

Happy Easter!

Helma said...

How nice that you can make such a trip on a boat. I read that brings you to five different bays. Beautiful surroundings and even a trip to the underwater caves. Seemed wonderful to experience this trip.

Greetings, Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Helma! Yes, it was wonderful.