Edirne was the first town I entered in Turkey. We visited there only the Selimiye Mosque, which offered a wonderful sample of Ottoman architecture.
It is said that the sultan Selim II saw Mohammed in a dream and decided to build a mosque on that place. Mimar Sinan, the greatest architect of the XVIth century was 80 yrs.old by the time he was asked by the sultan to do it. Selimiye is a UNESCO site since 2011.
The Selimiye Mosque is a big complex holding also a madrasa (religious Islamic school), tombs, and baths. Murat III added also a bazaar with 124 shops. The income of the shops financed the mosque.
Inside the mosque a huge cupola sustained by 8 “elephant legs” columns looks like an immense space. The main cupola and those from sides, as well as the walls above the windows are splendidly adorned with patterns drawn in fine lines and using good color mixtures.
The minbar (the place where the imam delivers the sermon) is situated to the right of the mihrab (part of the mosque indicating the direction to Mecca). This one is made from a white marble monolith and has 25 stairs.
Beautiful both outside and inside, this mosque represents Sinan’s masterpiece. It is said that the sultan asked that the minbar should be placated with gold. Sinan told him that because the gold is much asked those days, some will come and steel the gold, harming the construction. Instead, he promised he will make something more valuable. And he kept his word.
Orasul Edirne a fost primul in care am intrat in Turcia. N-am vizitat nimic, cu exceptia Moscheii Selimiye care era in program si care mi-a oferit prima mostra de arhitectura islamica otomana pe care o vedeam.
Legenda spune ca sultanul Selim II l-a vazut intr-un vis pe Mohammed si a decis sa construiasca o moschee in acel loc. Sinan avea 80 de ani cand sultanul i-a cerut sa o construiasca.
Moschea Selimiye reprezinta de fapt un complex cu o madrasa (scoala religioasa islamica), bai, morminte. In jurul lor a fost construit, de catre Murat III, si un bazar cu 124 de magazine, al caror venit ajuta moscheea. Cele patru minarete incadreaza gratios constructia, indicand - prin numar - si gradul imperial al moscheii. Constructia a durat din 1568 pana in 1575.
It is said that the sultan Selim II saw Mohammed in a dream and decided to build a mosque on that place. Mimar Sinan, the greatest architect of the XVIth century was 80 yrs.old by the time he was asked by the sultan to do it. Selimiye is a UNESCO site since 2011.
The Selimiye Mosque is a big complex holding also a madrasa (religious Islamic school), tombs, and baths. Murat III added also a bazaar with 124 shops. The income of the shops financed the mosque.
Inside the mosque a huge cupola sustained by 8 “elephant legs” columns looks like an immense space. The main cupola and those from sides, as well as the walls above the windows are splendidly adorned with patterns drawn in fine lines and using good color mixtures.
The minbar (the place where the imam delivers the sermon) is situated to the right of the mihrab (part of the mosque indicating the direction to Mecca). This one is made from a white marble monolith and has 25 stairs.
Beautiful both outside and inside, this mosque represents Sinan’s masterpiece. It is said that the sultan asked that the minbar should be placated with gold. Sinan told him that because the gold is much asked those days, some will come and steel the gold, harming the construction. Instead, he promised he will make something more valuable. And he kept his word.
Orasul Edirne a fost primul in care am intrat in Turcia. N-am vizitat nimic, cu exceptia Moscheii Selimiye care era in program si care mi-a oferit prima mostra de arhitectura islamica otomana pe care o vedeam.
lalele, flori simbol ale Turciei
vechi case otomane din lemn, in apropierea moscheii
Edirne este fostul Adrianopole, numit dupa imparatul roman care l-a fondat, apoi capitala a imperiului otoman dupa Bursa si inainte de Istanbul. In oras sunt mai multe moschei, mai vechi decat Selimiye (1575) dar aceasta din urma este o capodopera, capodopera celui mai mare arhitect otoman din secolul al XVI-lea si unul dintre cei mai mari ai lumii, arhitectul Mimar Sinan. In 2011 ea a fost inclusa in patrimoniul UNESCO.Legenda spune ca sultanul Selim II l-a vazut intr-un vis pe Mohammed si a decis sa construiasca o moschee in acel loc. Sinan avea 80 de ani cand sultanul i-a cerut sa o construiasca.
Moschea Selimiye reprezinta de fapt un complex cu o madrasa (scoala religioasa islamica), bai, morminte. In jurul lor a fost construit, de catre Murat III, si un bazar cu 124 de magazine, al caror venit ajuta moscheea. Cele patru minarete incadreaza gratios constructia, indicand - prin numar - si gradul imperial al moscheii. Constructia a durat din 1568 pana in 1575.
Moscheea Selimiye (1568-1575)
Moscheea are mai multe porti si 384 de ferestre. Deasupra intrarii principale, intr-un cartus, este indicat anul inceperii si cel al terminarii constructiei. In curtea principala, atrage atentia o fantana din marmora alba, fara acoperis. Aici credinciosii savarsesc spalarea rituala inainte de a intra in moschee. fantana pentru spalarea rituala
In interior, impresioneaza spatiul mare creat de cupola care are o inaltime de 43.25 m, un diametru de 31.25 m si cantareste 2000 t. Ea se sprijina pe 8 coloane numite "picioare de elefant", datorita formei lor, unite intre ele prin arcuri cu o deschidere de cate 6 m. Decoratia delicata a acesteia, cat si a cupolelor laterale si a incadraturii geamurilor este realizata parca in penita. Linii subtiri, delicate, culori armonios imbinate si totul fara a da impresia de incarcat.
cupola centrala
Una dintre piesele cele mai frumoase este minbarul (loc de unde imamul isi rosteste predica), sculptat dintr-un monolit de marmora si avand 25 de trepte. Minbarul se afla la dreapta mihrabului, locul care indica directia Meccai spre care se inchina credinciosii. Initial, sultanul ii ceruse lui Sinan un minbar invelit in aur dar acesta i-a raspuns ca, intrucat este mare cerere de aur, vor veni unii cu ciocanul si vor strica minbarul...A promis insa ca va face ceva mult mai valoros si s-a tinut de cuvant. minbar
I always love seeing my country from a foreigners eyes and you are doing a great job...
Thank you, Turquoise Diaries! Tommorrow I'll try Emirgan Park:)
The mosaics are gorgeous! Another lovely place:)
It was the first Turkish mosque I have seen in reality, and it was a wonder!
Fantastic building, perfectly kept!
It is a real masterpiece, as they say, VP!
This Mosque looks fantastic. I have only been in a few mosques in my live but i certainly like this one.
And what a mosque. Great minarets adorn the mosque. I also see great pomp and colors I find really beautiful. Beautiful decorations, too. Very glad you wrote a lot of information there.
Greetings, Helma
i enjoyed my time in Turkey so much and i love all the mosques i visited. i haven't visited this place but this one is equally majestic.
Thanks, Filip! If you visit Turkey, youcan see a lot of beautiful mosques.
Helma, I am glad you appreciate what I write. Thanks a lot!
Edirne (the old Adrianople) is not far from the Bulgarian border, coming to Romania, Life Ramblings. Thanks for the visit.
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