The Botanical Garden in Kyoto has been founded in 1924, and it is the largest in Japan. I found it on the second place among the similar gardens in the world, next only to Kew Gardens in London.
The garden has a big conservatory, and many statues adorn its alleys. Among them, The Sumo Fighter, seems amusing to me.
During that time of the year there are not many flowers. The Sunken Garden impressed with the shades of green of the multitude of trees and shrubs. The most vivid area was that of the tulips.
Gradina Botanica din Kyoto a fost infiintata in anul 1924, in apropierea raului Kamigawa. Intr-un clasament al celor mai mari gradini botanice din lume, am gasit-o pe locul 2, dupa Kew Gardens din Londra. Cu cele aprox. 12000 de plante in exterior si 25000 in sera, este si una dintre cele mai mari gradini de gen din Japonia.
Mai erau oameni in parc care se plimbau sau cautau locuri potrivite de fotografiat sub palcurile de ciresi infloriti. Din loc in loc, parcul e impodobit cu statui, intre care cea a luptatorului de sumo mi s-a parut amuzanta.
"Gradina Scufundata", avand un nume asemanator celei din Gradinile Butchart din Canada (despre care am povestit aici:, mi-a atras atentia. Nefiind inca prea multe flori, jocul de nuante era asigurat de speciile diverse de arbori si arbusti plantati aici.
Hoinarind fara nici un plan, am dat si peste cateva palcuri de rhododendroni frumos infloriti.
Apoi, am ajuns la "lanurile" de lalele, stapanele absolute ale gradinii in acel moment al anului. Acum s-a facut deja vara si, inconjurati fiind de culori si mirosuri de la atatea flori, parca nu le mai dam importanta dar in aprilie ele straluceau in verdele gradinii.
Despre o gradina botanica nu ai prea mult de povestit. Trebuie sa lasi fotografiile sa vorbeasca. Sper ca ele v-au convins sa nu ocoliti Gradina Botanica daca mergeti la Kyoto, fiindca va avea, cu siguranta, ceva care sa va incante.
The garden has a big conservatory, and many statues adorn its alleys. Among them, The Sumo Fighter, seems amusing to me.
During that time of the year there are not many flowers. The Sunken Garden impressed with the shades of green of the multitude of trees and shrubs. The most vivid area was that of the tulips.
Gradina Botanica din Kyoto a fost infiintata in anul 1924, in apropierea raului Kamigawa. Intr-un clasament al celor mai mari gradini botanice din lume, am gasit-o pe locul 2, dupa Kew Gardens din Londra. Cu cele aprox. 12000 de plante in exterior si 25000 in sera, este si una dintre cele mai mari gradini de gen din Japonia.
Acesta a fost
ultimul obiectiv pe care l-am vizitat la Kyoto. Am ajuns tarziu, cu vreo ora inainte
de inchidere, dar n-am vrut sa o ratez. Dupa ce mi-am luat bilet (200 yen), am
intrat si am dat imediat cu ochii de sera in care, fiind deja tarziu, nu am
Hoinarind fara nici un plan, am dat si peste cateva palcuri de rhododendroni frumos infloriti.
Apoi, am ajuns la "lanurile" de lalele, stapanele absolute ale gradinii in acel moment al anului. Acum s-a facut deja vara si, inconjurati fiind de culori si mirosuri de la atatea flori, parca nu le mai dam importanta dar in aprilie ele straluceau in verdele gradinii.
Despre o gradina botanica nu ai prea mult de povestit. Trebuie sa lasi fotografiile sa vorbeasca. Sper ca ele v-au convins sa nu ocoliti Gradina Botanica daca mergeti la Kyoto, fiindca va avea, cu siguranta, ceva care sa va incante.
Wow, I would love to visit a garden like this! All gardens make me happy, but this one would be special :^) Fantastic collection of photos TH!
I also love botanical gardens, Doug, and I don't miss any.
Funny that the most vibrant area was the area with the tulips. You've got also very nice pictures of it. I live betweenthe bulb, so in the tulip area and I think it all just to all those tulips every year to see hihi ....... I also see a prachtgie garden with many ponds, trees and floral blouse people. I can imagine that you have found this very nice Trasvveling Hawk :-)
Warmest regards, Helma
Yes, I did, Helma! Thanks for the visit.
Great tulips, almost looks like the Netherlands.
Yes, it is like in Keukenhoff!
Beautiful flowers.
Thanks for the visit, Randy!
Ooooo, o gradina botanica ! Minunata ! Rhododendronii i-am vazut pe viu la Kew Gardens, dar imi inchipui, ca in mediul lor natural sint mai impresionanti ... Cred, ca eu imi rezervam o zi pentru coltisorul asta japonez ... Bujorii nu erau inca infloriti ?
Din pacate inca nu,Dani. Si ei si irisii au inflorit la mai putin de o saptamana dupa plecarea mea. Am avut din start de gand sa merg la Gradina Botanica si, in final, era cat pe ce sa nu ajung...Sunt atatea la care am renuntat in Kyoto incat, inca o tura de 6 zile si tot ar fi prea putin...Acolo cred ca as fi satisfacuta doar daca as trai macar un an:)
We missed these beautiful gardens entirely. Pretty, pretty. And so is Kew. If you ever go to Canada, go see Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC. Also amazing.
[Re my post, I am aware that larger stupas hold treasuries - some are religious relics that pilgrims come to circumambulate; but I don't believe that is the case for the smaller funerary stupas in Laos. I'm guessing, but perhaps they do hold some personal relics of the deceased as part of the memorial. On the other hand, perhaps I am wrong entirely to call these memorials stupas, even though their shapes certainly look like small versions of Buddhist stupas.]
Those flowers look so perfect. The colors are energizing. :)
Thanks, Francesca! I've been to Butchart Gardens (my son lived in Victoria, B.C.), and I wrote about them here, on my blog.
As for stupas, may be you are right.
They are beautiful, Rizalenio. And I liked that somebody sat there to paint them.
such a gorgeous place to spend the day and those flowers are a beauty.
Thanks, Life Ramblings!
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