Ninna-ji is a temple in North-Western
part of Kyoto. It was constructed in 888 by the order of the emperor Koko.
Since 1994 it is part of UNESCO treasury. Till 1869, the head priest of the
temple was a member of the imperial family. For this reason, part of the Old
Imperial Palace is here.
On April, the last cherry trees in Kyoto bloom here. It is a special dwarf variety created by the monks from the temple, called Omuro sakura. There are aprox. 500 cherry trees in the temple, among them 200 belong to this variety.
The palace and the garden offer much satisfaction to the visitors. In the interior, there are the paintings of Domoto Insho, performed in 1937. Luxury and a calm, serene atmosphere. The garden is beautiful but in this moment of the year I found it difficult to concentrate to the landscape due to the big number of visitors.
The five levels pagoda is another asset of the temple.
In partea de nord-vest a orasului se afla cateva temple deosebite, pe care le-am vizitat in aceeasi zi: Ninna-ji, Ryoan-ji si Kinkaky-ji.
Templul Ninna-ji se afla sub patronaj UNESCO din 1994. El poate fi vizitat zilnic, intre 9 -17. Biletul de intrare costa 500 yen (numai in perioada infloririi ciresilor, in rest e gratuit) si pentru a vizita si fostul palat imperial, trebuie sa mai platesti 500 yen.
In perioada din aprilie cand l-am vizitat, templul era asaltat de o multime de vizitatori pentru ca ciresul pitic, Omuro sakura, printre ultimii care infloresc, oferea o priveliste intr-adevar coplesitoare. Sunt cca. 500 de ciresi aici, din care vreo 200 din specia dezvoltata de calugarii de la Ninna-ji.
On April, the last cherry trees in Kyoto bloom here. It is a special dwarf variety created by the monks from the temple, called Omuro sakura. There are aprox. 500 cherry trees in the temple, among them 200 belong to this variety.
The palace and the garden offer much satisfaction to the visitors. In the interior, there are the paintings of Domoto Insho, performed in 1937. Luxury and a calm, serene atmosphere. The garden is beautiful but in this moment of the year I found it difficult to concentrate to the landscape due to the big number of visitors.
The five levels pagoda is another asset of the temple.
In partea de nord-vest a orasului se afla cateva temple deosebite, pe care le-am vizitat in aceeasi zi: Ninna-ji, Ryoan-ji si Kinkaky-ji.
Templul Ninna-ji se afla sub patronaj UNESCO din 1994. El poate fi vizitat zilnic, intre 9 -17. Biletul de intrare costa 500 yen (numai in perioada infloririi ciresilor, in rest e gratuit) si pentru a vizita si fostul palat imperial, trebuie sa mai platesti 500 yen.
In perioada din aprilie cand l-am vizitat, templul era asaltat de o multime de vizitatori pentru ca ciresul pitic, Omuro sakura, printre ultimii care infloresc, oferea o priveliste intr-adevar coplesitoare. Sunt cca. 500 de ciresi aici, din care vreo 200 din specia dezvoltata de calugarii de la Ninna-ji.
Omuro sakura
Acesta este templul de baza al scolii Omuro a shintoismului si a fost fondat in 888, din ordinul imparatului Koko. Preotul principal a fost intotdeana , pana in 1869, un membru al familiei imperiale. De aceea, in trecut a servit si ca resedinta imperiala. Palatul Goten si gradina sa se afla in stanga, dupa ce treci de poarta principala, Niomon.
poarta Niomon
intrarea in Palatul Goten
Intreb si ma bucur sa aflu ca se poate fotografia si in interior! Vizitez cele cateva structuri care alcatuiesc Palatul Goten si ma gandesc la orele placute pe care le vor fi petrecut membrii familiei imperiale in aceasta gradina incantatoare.
Ma opresc si eu cate putin in cateva colturi mai retrase pentru a absorbi in liniste privelistea si farmecul deosebit al locului.
Interioarele au multe de oferit celor care apreciaza arta japoneza. Majoritatea picturilor se datoreaza lui Domoto Insho si au fost executate in 1937.
In drum spre Pagoda cu cinci etaje am putut admira cateva kimonouri.
Pagoda se iveste dintre copaci. O inconjor, fotografiind-o din diverse unghiuri. E innegrita de vreme si poate de incendiul care, in secolul al 15-lea, a distrus multe cladiri, refacute abia doua secole mai tarziu.
I love all of the flowers on the trees.
Love those trees, what a fantastic sight!
Duncan In Kuantan
Thank you, Randy!
Thanks for the visit, Duncan! Hope you are all well!
Wonderful blossom pictures and you show us a few good detail shots......nice serie again.
Greetings, Joop
Thanks, Joop!
Fascinating and beautiful..
Thanks, VP!
I love the garden settings and especially the beautifully painted screens in the interiors. Excellent series, as usual TH :^)
The garden is really beautiful, Doug. Imagine those dwarf cherry trees with branches touching the soil. One can hide behind them! Thanks for the visit!
Again lots of pictures so enjoy extra long again :-) I see beautiful cherry blossoms (best trees 500 pieces) and many photos of beautiful gardens in streamlets. I think that's so nice to see :-) Again very nice blog Treavling Hawk.
Warmest regards, Helma
Thank you, my dear Helma, for being such a faithful reader!
Sunt câteva imagini în care chimonourile au ceva la spate. Ce e acel ceva?
such a wonderful sight to behold. those cherry blossoms look magical.
Those kimono fabrics are exquisite! As are, of course, the blossoms...
Se cheama obi, Liliana si el completeaza chimonoul. Nu cred ca are alta functie decat de ornament.
Thanks, Life Ramblings! They offered a great view!
Thank you, Francisca, for coming here!
It's nice to see some vegetation and greenery in these places.
Japanese gardens are famous in the world, J_on_tour! This one is particularly famous for the cherry tree species.
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