Thursday, August 9, 2012

Arigato, Japonia! 50. Muzeul maritim, Osaka / Arigato, Japan! 50. Maritime Museum, Osaka

If you want a walk near the ocean, you should go to The Maritime Museum. A glass museum is floating on the water. An underwater corridor of 60 m in length takes you from outside to the interior. You feel yourself like into an allien ship.

You visit the four levels, always seeing a replica of the commercial vessel Naniwamaru, from the Edo era.

I liked the adornments put in front of the vessels. They were images of gods, animals or humans, magic symbols meant to assure a good fate for ther vessel and the crew.
The architect of this bold construction is Paul Andreu. Entrance fee for the museum is 600 yen.

Daca vreti sa va plimbati in apropierea oceanului, nu ezitati sa mergeti la Muzeul Maritim! Pe mine m-a atras aici mai mult forma constructiei si indrazneala sa. Un dom de sticla, care adaposteste 4 nivele, pluteste deasupra oceanului. Intrarea este legata de rest printr-un tunel subacvatic lung de 60 m si costa 600 yen.

Dupa ce ai coborat din metrou in piata Cosmos, te indrepti, pe faleza, spre muzeu. Zaresti domul de departe, dar abia cand esti suficient de aproape iti dai seama ca el "sta" pe apa. Pasesti pe coridor, constient ca in jurul tau este oceanul. Pare un coridor care te conduce intr-o nava extraterestra. Din loc in loc, in tavan se vede un hublou si acolo vezi alge leganandu-se in apa murdara.
 Muzeul Maritim, Osaka
 coridorul subacvatic, care uneste intrarea cu muzeul
alge in ocean
Urci cu liftul la al 4-lea nivel, apoi incepi sa cobori, avand mereu in fata ochilor copia la scara a unei corabii comerciale din era Edo (sec. 17), numita Naniwamaru. Presupun ca astfel se celebreaza lunga traditie maritima a orasului. Te poti urca la bord, pentru a vedea cum era compartimentata nava si ce functie indeplinea fiecare parte. Cu asemenea corabii se transporta orez, bumbac si hartie. Echipajul numara 12-15 oameni.
Mie imi plac cele cateva ornamente de corabii. Acestea nu aveau doar rol ornamental, putand fi si simboluri magice sau imagini de zeitati, cu rol protector pentru corabie si echipaj.
Orasul Osaka datoreaza aceasta constructive interesanta arhitectului francez Paul Andreu.


Joop Zand said...

Very interessting and good photo's...... you have made a great serie.

Greetings, Joop

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you, Joop!
Have a nice weekend!

Randy said...

That would be a wonderful place to explore.

Traveling Hawk said...

Yes, Randy, you are right.

Helma said...

Really special to run in such a way that also g no further 60 meters long. However, a great experience. You make some very nice details and beautiful details.

Greetings Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

Thank you for the comment, Helma!


Wow! What a beautiful museum. The showcase inside is very artistic too.

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks for the comment, Rizalenio!