This name – it seems to me – lacks the Greek
resonance. The owner of my accommodation told me that this is because almost
all women in the village are named Maria. I thought this is nice! Looking later
on Google I found out a legend that says that after a pirates’ raid, who destroyed
the village, the only two survivors have
been two women, both named Maria.
Acesta mi s-a parut
un nume ciudat, fara rezonanta greceasca. Gazda mi-a spus ca se numeste asa
fiindca, dintotdeauna, aproape toate femeile din sat se numesc Maria. Mi s-a
parut frumos! Apoi, gugalind, am gasit si o alta explicatie. Se pare ca, in
urma unui atac pirateresc, care a distrus satul, ar fi ramas in viata doar doua
femei, ambele cu numele de Maria.
The village was founded during Byzantine
time. It stays at 200 m high above the sea, and it has 700 inhabitants. Their
main occupations are olive trees cultivation and beekeeping.
This is not a touristic village like
Panaghia, Kazaviti or Theologos. You may drive there from Limenaria. It was
late afternoon when we went there and a golden light enveloped hills and
It was difficult to find some old houses. The
most of them were renovated (it shows easily)or new ones. In the middle of the
village the tavernas are deserted. The oldest church on the island, built at
1800, has its gate closed. I looked at the roof, covered with stone slates, and
nearby the bell tower, added much later, now painted in white and dark red. It
is nice to walk on the narrow, windy streets, seeing the vines and the flowers.
Few people, here and there, looking couriously toward us.
Back to Limenaria, we admired from the road
the village and the sea and the distant Mt. Athos.
Asezarea a fost
fondata in timpul Bizantului si se afla la o altitudine de 200 m. Astazi ea numara
doar 700 de locuitori. Cultivarea maslinilor (irigati!) si albinaritul sunt
principalele lor ocupatii.
Maries nu este un
sat turistic, ca Panaghia, Kazaviti sau Theologos. Accesul se face din Limenaria. Am mers totusi acolo, sa vad
daca mai pot gasi case vechi. Pe drumul care duce spre sat printre livezi de
maslini si marginit de coastele dealurilor, se afla doua mici bisericute pe care
le-am privit – din nou – printre zabrele.
in drum spre Maries
livezi de maslini
Era tarziu dupa-amiaza si o lumina aurie invaluia dealuriel si casele. In sat, casele
terasate, pline de flori si vita de vie, se insira pe stradute intortocheate.
Cu greu gasesc cateva vechi si una in renovare.
Cele care au fost deja renovate se observa
In rest, case noi.
Traditionala taverna
din mijlocul satului e cam pustie. Langa ea se afla biserica, una din cele mai
vechi de pe insula, construita in 1800. Admir, de sus, acoperisul sau de ardezie si clopotnita adaugata mai tarziu, vopsita in alb si rosu inchis. Oameni doar ici colo, privind curiosi spre noi.
biserica, vazuta de sus
Inapoi, spre casa,
admiram de pe drum Limenaria si albastrul marii. In departare, e muntele Athos.
de la Maries spre Limenaria
schitul Sf. Trifon
in plan secund, incetosat, Muntele Athos
I like all of the blue trim.
Thanks, Randy! It's a characteristic in Greek architecture.
I like seeing the road side shrines. I remember seeing them in Italy too. That's something rarely seen in the US.
Yes, I know Doug. Thanks for the comment (currently still in Uzbekistan).
I see indeed a kind of chapel on the 3rd picture, but also to other photos you see that faith plays a major role. Beautiful like you describe how this village was founded during the Byzantine era.
Very nice blog again.
Thank you, Helma!
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