One of the characteristics of the Korean landscape is putting the objective in the natural context and the the garden/park becomes pure nature. This may be observed also in the gardens of the
Changgyeonggung. Right at the beginning, this place was erected as a residential palace not one to host the government. This ideea is reflected by the smaller number of constructions and their size, and by the opening of the main gate and the throne hall toward East instead North, as it was the norm.
The palace grounds is encircled by hills on 3 sides. Up on the hill was erected the palace for the mother-queen, to offer a nice perspective. That palace has been moved, along with the royal library. One may see the Angbuilgu, an octogonal hemispheric sundial, invented in 1434. Further, the Taesil and Teasilbi of King Seongjong may be admired as national treasures. Taesil was the place were royal families kept the ombilical cord and the placenta of their children, while on Taesili, another stone monument, the story of the placenta was carved. They have been brought here under Japanese occupation, for research, as they were the best kept.
On the shore of the Chungdangji Pond I admired the cherry blossom again. And the mandarin ducks! In the middle of the pond an islet has been constructed, in 1984, reflecting another principle of Korean gardens. Also a beautiful octogonal Chinese pagoda, built in 1470, has been purchased by Japanese and brought here when they constructed the palace museum.
I slowy reached the nice conservatory, built in Victorian style (1907), after the plans of the Japanese designer Hayato Fukuba, who planned also the Shinjuku Imperial Gardens in Tokyo. Now one may admire there a beautiful bonsai collection. Entrance is free, with the palace ticket.
I was already tired after my long journey, so I went home. The first day in Seoul made me confident that this astonishing city will offer me many charming surprises, as this one!
Caracteristic peisagisticii coreene este plasarea obiectivului in mediul natural, care se identifica astfel cu parcul sau gradina. Acest lucru se observa cu usurinta in gradina palatului Changgyeonggung. Acest palat nu a fost gandit, de la inceput, pentru a gazdui guvernul - cum s-a intamplat ulterior -, ci pentru a servi drept resedinta regala. Acest lucru este reflectat in numarul mai mic de cladiri, de marimea cladirilor rezidentiale fata de cele administrative, de deschiderea spre est in loc de nord (conform normei) a portii principale si a salii tronului.
Dealurile inconjoara din trei parti spatiul ocupat de palat. Sus pe un deal a construit si regele Jeongjo, in 1777, resedinta reginei-mama, care avea astfel o priveliste larga asupra imprejurimilor. Palatul acesta a fost insa mutat in secolul al XIX-lea, la fel cu biblioteca regala existenta aici, mutata in 1992. In schimb, exista sus, pe deal, un ceas solar hemisferic, numit Angbuilgu, inventat in 1434. Numele i se trage de la forma de vas cu fata in sus, spre cer.
Changgyeonggung. Right at the beginning, this place was erected as a residential palace not one to host the government. This ideea is reflected by the smaller number of constructions and their size, and by the opening of the main gate and the throne hall toward East instead North, as it was the norm.
The palace grounds is encircled by hills on 3 sides. Up on the hill was erected the palace for the mother-queen, to offer a nice perspective. That palace has been moved, along with the royal library. One may see the Angbuilgu, an octogonal hemispheric sundial, invented in 1434. Further, the Taesil and Teasilbi of King Seongjong may be admired as national treasures. Taesil was the place were royal families kept the ombilical cord and the placenta of their children, while on Taesili, another stone monument, the story of the placenta was carved. They have been brought here under Japanese occupation, for research, as they were the best kept.
On the shore of the Chungdangji Pond I admired the cherry blossom again. And the mandarin ducks! In the middle of the pond an islet has been constructed, in 1984, reflecting another principle of Korean gardens. Also a beautiful octogonal Chinese pagoda, built in 1470, has been purchased by Japanese and brought here when they constructed the palace museum.
I slowy reached the nice conservatory, built in Victorian style (1907), after the plans of the Japanese designer Hayato Fukuba, who planned also the Shinjuku Imperial Gardens in Tokyo. Now one may admire there a beautiful bonsai collection. Entrance is free, with the palace ticket.
I was already tired after my long journey, so I went home. The first day in Seoul made me confident that this astonishing city will offer me many charming surprises, as this one!
Caracteristic peisagisticii coreene este plasarea obiectivului in mediul natural, care se identifica astfel cu parcul sau gradina. Acest lucru se observa cu usurinta in gradina palatului Changgyeonggung. Acest palat nu a fost gandit, de la inceput, pentru a gazdui guvernul - cum s-a intamplat ulterior -, ci pentru a servi drept resedinta regala. Acest lucru este reflectat in numarul mai mic de cladiri, de marimea cladirilor rezidentiale fata de cele administrative, de deschiderea spre est in loc de nord (conform normei) a portii principale si a salii tronului.
Dealurile inconjoara din trei parti spatiul ocupat de palat. Sus pe un deal a construit si regele Jeongjo, in 1777, resedinta reginei-mama, care avea astfel o priveliste larga asupra imprejurimilor. Palatul acesta a fost insa mutat in secolul al XIX-lea, la fel cu biblioteca regala existenta aici, mutata in 1992. In schimb, exista sus, pe deal, un ceas solar hemisferic, numit Angbuilgu, inventat in 1434. Numele i se trage de la forma de vas cu fata in sus, spre cer.
Ceva mai incolo, in padurea parc, dau peste o alta comoara. Este vorba despre Taesil si Taesilbi regelui Seongjong. Taesil este un monument din piatra in care se pastrau cordonul ombilical si placenta copiilor din familiile regale. Alaturi se afla Taesilbi, un monument pe care se grava, in piatra, istoria placentei respective. In timpul ocupatiei japoneze, aceste Taesil si Teasilbi au fost adunate din diferite locuri din tara si plasate in locurile care adaposteau morminte regale. Cele ale regelui Seongjong au fost aduse aici pentru a fi studiate, fiind cel mai bine conservate. Taesil si Taesilbi regelui Seongjong
In sfarsit am ajuns in fata iazului numit Chungdangji, construit in 1909 pe locul unor orezarii si a unei plantatii de duzi, unde regele si regina faceau agricultura si cresteau viermi de matase, ca hobby personal. Insula rotunda din mijlocul iazului - tot o caracteristica a peisagisticii coreene - a fost construita in 1984.
Pe malul lacului, mai multi ciresi isi scuturau deja florile. O frumoasa pagoda octogonala, cu 7 etaje, construita in China in 1470, a fost adusa aici cand a fost construit muzeul palatului.
Iazul Chungdangji
o rata mandarina
pagoda chinezeasca, 1470
Incet-incet, am ajuns la sera victoriana a fostei Gradini Botanice construite de japonezi. Sera a aparut in 1907 si era prima de acest fel din Coreea. A fost ridicata de o companie franceza dupa planurile arhitectului Hayato Fukuba, cel care a proiectat si gradinile imperiale Shinjuku, din Tokio.
Intrarea este libera, in contul biletului pentru palat. Inauntru, o colectie de bonsai incanta privirea si atrage fotograful.
Ma indrept spre iesirea din palat, oboseala drumului isi spune cuvantul. Sunt increzatoare insa ca acest oras, care abia incepe sa mi se dezvaluie, imi rezerva multe surprize frumoase.
Very interesting photos !!!
I like so much Seoul-gardens !!!
Many thanks for another beautiful trip!!!
You are welcome, Magda!
Great photos and information about Seoul Korea. It looks like it would be an interesting place to visit.
Thank you for the comment, ~RonJoe White! You are more than welcome to follow the series if you liked it.
I love gardens and parks and always try to visit them everywhere I go. The one you show us here is fabulous!
Ce frumosi sunt bonsaii! Sunt convinsa ca Seul a reusit sa te cucereasca cu multe alte lucruri surprinzatoare.
Eu am ramas la episodul nr 3, dar promit sa recuperez rapid. :)
Mi-am propus ca in fiecare dimineata sa ma delectez cu una din povestirile tale coreene.
Something unexpected and really interesting, my favorite are all the pictures with flowers!
Joo, if you are interested in gardens, later I will show the prototype of Korean garden:)
Nu numai la sera erau azalee-bonsai ci tot Seulul era plin de azalee inflorite, de diverse nuante. Vor mai fi poze cu flori.
VP, if you like flowers and gardens, there will be more of these later, as I visited also the prototype of the Korean garden, which is in other palace and because whole Seoul was full of blooming azaleeas.
Seems the Korean puts a lot of thought in designing garden landscapes ...
Yes, Wong, they are very well connected with the nature. They love to climb their mountains, they love flowers and spending time outdoor.
The place looks so clean. Just by looking at these images, it feels like I'm smelling the air there too.
the park does look quaint and inviting, my favourite kind of getaway. and your pictures make me wanna take a flight to Korea right away.
All the city, Rizalenio, was very clean! Well, very early in the morning there was garbbage on the food streets but it disapeared rapidly.
Do this, Life Ramblings, and you will not regret! :)
This series of the garden and the one before of the palace are terrific. I feel as though I am on tour with you. All very exciting to see. I like the birds especially.
Great shots! I love the one of the children. I want that hat too.
si tu ai impletit foarte fain istoria, cu arhitectura si natura. frumos post.
Doug, that bird draw my attention because of the beautiful colored feathers:) Thanks for the comment!
Randy, I saw the boy with that funny hat only from behind. I regret I don't have a portrait...
Multumesc, pharaonx, ma bucur ca ti-a placut!
Eram oarecum furioasa luna trecuta cand dvs. tot postati si postati si eu nu apucam sa citesc decat printre randuri. Asa ca mi-am propus sa nu mai citesc deloc pana nu am timpul necesar, pe care astfel de postari il merita.
Acum ma bucur ca nu am citit una cate una atunci, si ma pot bucura acum de un adevarat roman,la care tot zic ca mai citesc numai o pagina si gata, numai o pagina si gata :))
P.S. Nu am vazut niciodata bonsai asa de mari si de frumosi!! Si nici o rata madarina :)
Si pentru mine asta a fost prima rata mandarina...vie, fiindca decorative, din lemn, am mai vazut:)
Ma bucur ca iti place ce postez, Rocs. Cred ca si eu postez atat, ca sa am ce citi mai tarziu, cand nu mai pot calatori:)
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