Monday, January 2, 2012

S-a stins un suflet / A little soul is gone

For some, the new year shone a moment and then it disappeared...

Once we had a Collie, named Rocky. After 14 years we had to put him to sleep because he was exhausted. We cried a lot, like after a family member because he was a family member. After some years a black female Labrador, named Kara, tried to soothe us...But once again we had to put her to sleep because she paralysed at an age of not even 4 years...Again we cried some years and said that we will never have a dog again...

But then came Nero, a little street dog, full of life and joy...Yesterday he was 8 months old! Today he left us some hours ago, hit by a speeding madman, right in the parking of the block. He didn't even stop...I'm sure that Nero went to Rocky and Kara in the dogs' heaven, to tell them what we have done meantime...Good by, Nero! Forgive the people who are so thoughtless...

Pentru unii, anul nou a fulgerat o clipa, apoi s-a stins...

Am avut o data un Collie, pe nume Rocky. A trait 14 ani si, in final, a trebuit sa-l eutanasiem fiindca nu mai avea putere nici sa stea in picioare, cadea gramada. L-am jelit mult timp, ca pe un membru al familiei, fiindca asta si era...Peste cativa ani, o Labradorita neagra, Cara, a incercat sa ne aline...Dar la nici 4 ani a trebuit sa o eutanasiem si pe ea...Ii paralizase partea posterioara si se chinuia ingrozitor...Am plans-o niste ani si am spus ca nu vom mai avea alt caine...

Dar a aparut Nero, "Nas Patat" cum l-a poreclit o vecina, un maidanez vesel si plin de viata, care ieri a implinit...8 luni! Ne-am atasat de el, mai ales ca era si tare cuminte. Cu vreo 2-3 ore in urma, un vitezoman (care va sfarsi in vreun copac) l-a lovit in parcarea de langa bloc si l-a omorat pe loc! Nici macar nu a oprit...Nero ne-a parasit si el acum, la inceput de an nou. Doi caini in ultimii patru ani e parca prea mult...Sunt sigura ca Nero s-a intalnit acum cu Kara si cu Rocky si le povesteste despre ce am mai facut noi intre timp. Sunt fericiti acum cu totii, in Raiul cateilor. Adio, Nero! Iarta-i pe oameni ca sunt nesocotiti...