At 50 km from Campeni, in the Apuseni Mountains, there is a village whose existence was prooved by documents on 1365. The name of the village is Poshaga and it is visited by those who want to see the little hermitage named Healing Spring.
At the entrance in the village, you see a relatively new church - The Saint Archangel. To me, it ressembles with the Russian churches due to the bulb of the dome and the old three barred orthodox cross on top of it. Under the roof, a gallery of saints is painted.
The asphalted road finishes after the village, leaving room to a dirt road. After few kilometers we arrive in front of the hermitage, were a big wooden gate led us in the courtyard. Nowadays there are only few monks living here, and nobody is to be seen around.
The entrance to the hermitage is beautifully carved in wood, and the ceiling is painted. So it is the interior of the little church. In the yard there is also a roadside crucifix, a bell tower, an open air altar and the house of the monks, full of flowers.
All the construction is circled by a stone wall, adorned with the mosaic effigies of the most important rulers in our history.
La 50 km de Campeni (jud. Alba) se afla un sat a carui existenta urca in timp pana la 1365, cand apare prima sa atestare documentara. Satul se numeste Posaga si este vizitat mai ales pentru schitul care se afla aici. Ca si in cazul multor alte sate, exista o Posaga de Sus si o Posaga de Jos, iar schitul se afla intre ele.
Din soseaua care leaga orasul Campeni de Turda, urmarind vechiul traseu al Mocanitei in apropierea Muntilor Trascaului, se desprinde drumul ce duce spre sat.
At the entrance in the village, you see a relatively new church - The Saint Archangel. To me, it ressembles with the Russian churches due to the bulb of the dome and the old three barred orthodox cross on top of it. Under the roof, a gallery of saints is painted.
The asphalted road finishes after the village, leaving room to a dirt road. After few kilometers we arrive in front of the hermitage, were a big wooden gate led us in the courtyard. Nowadays there are only few monks living here, and nobody is to be seen around.
The entrance to the hermitage is beautifully carved in wood, and the ceiling is painted. So it is the interior of the little church. In the yard there is also a roadside crucifix, a bell tower, an open air altar and the house of the monks, full of flowers.
All the construction is circled by a stone wall, adorned with the mosaic effigies of the most important rulers in our history.
La 50 km de Campeni (jud. Alba) se afla un sat a carui existenta urca in timp pana la 1365, cand apare prima sa atestare documentara. Satul se numeste Posaga si este vizitat mai ales pentru schitul care se afla aici. Ca si in cazul multor alte sate, exista o Posaga de Sus si o Posaga de Jos, iar schitul se afla intre ele.
Din soseaua care leaga orasul Campeni de Turda, urmarind vechiul traseu al Mocanitei in apropierea Muntilor Trascaului, se desprinde drumul ce duce spre sat.
Muntii Trascaului
Biserica Sfintii Arhangheli, ni se infatiseaza cu o arhitectura neobisnuita locului. Doua turle rotunde, in forma bulbului de ceapa al bisericilor rusesti si crucea ortodoxa cu trei bare, sunt completate de o galerie de ocnite, sub acoperis, care ne prezinta portretele a numerosi sfinti.
Biserica Sfintii Arhangheli din Posaga de Jos
Printre numeroasele case noi, cateva case vechi si grajduri de animale, mai pastreaza traditia locului, a caselor din lemn.
grajd pentru animale
Alaturi de drum, o valtoare - bunica masinilor de spalat moderne - adauga o nota de pitoresc. In putine locuri din tara mai pot fi vazute inca - in stare de functionare - asemenea minuni ale tehnicii populare.
valtoare, la Posaga de Jos
La capatul satului soseaua asfaltata se termina si mai parcurgem cativa kilometri pe un drum pietruit dar plin de praful unei veri caniculare, care a facut ca frunzele tufelor de langa drum sa fie toate albe. In sfarsit ajungem la schit. Un panou ne avertizeaza asupra tinutei in interiorul manastirii.
Aceasta se afla la poalele unui perete stancos, pe care cresc doar smocuri de iarba. Acolo, la 100 de schit, se afla si un izvor, care da numele schitului: Izvorul Tamaduirii. Numele se datoreaza credintei oamenilor ca apa sa minunata poate vindeca orice boala. Hramul schitului este Adormirea Maicii Domnului (15 august). Cel care a initiat construirea schitului, a fost preotul Alexandru Rujdea, in 1933.
Poarta monumentala a schitului a fost sculptata de mesteri din Baia Sprie, in 1981.
Schitul in sine este o bijuterie de sculptura in lemn. Pridvorul in special atrage atentia. Tavanul sau, ca si intregul schit in interior, este pictat. Pictura in fresca se datoreaza pictorului Carol Gross.
pridvor sculptat
In interior, o catapeteasma sculptata in lemn si chipul sfintilor care ne privesc blajin de pe pereti.
Complexul monahal, in care mai vietuiesc doar cativa calugari de ii numeri pe degetele de la o mana, este completat de o troita, o clopotnita, un altar in aer liber si cladirea care serveste drept locuinta monahilor.
clopotnita, construita in 1979
locuinta calugarilor
In curte e liniste, nici tipenie de om. Putem admira in voie dantelaria de lemn a schitului.
Aceasta mica bijuterie, mai putin cunoscuta turistilor, mai are si un gard de piatra care o inconjoara, care are pe el chipul in mozaic al marilor nostri domnitori: Basarab, Bogdan, Mircea cel Batran, Vlad Tepes, Mihai Viteazu s.a. dar si chipurile eroilor motilor Horia, Closca si Crisan si al Craiului muntilor, Avram Iancu.
Pentru urmatoarea data cand mergi acolo: izbucurile Feredeul, cu apa calda chiar si iarna si Bujorelul, evident cu apa rece; amandoua in satul Posaga de Sus. Tare mi-as fi dorit sa ajung prin zona, dar asta e, poate peste ani...
Ganduri bune.
Multumesc, Viorel, pentru vizita si sugestii!
Lovely scenery and a very curious little church
It all looks so wonderful.
That type of churches are traditional in that area, Duncan. Thanks!
Thanks for the opinion, Randy!
I must say I am very impressed by your post Traveling Hawk. Your photos and your story there about this monastery. The churches that I see here are very nice, but the flowing water in the landscaped shaft, the mountains, the carvings, the many paintings and mosaics. I have my eyes looked. Truly beautiful thing I've seen.
Sincerely, Helma
Thank you, Helma, for the beautiful words connected with places which could be seen in my country.
Cel mai mult mi-a placut valtoarea :) Greu de spalat acolo, dar ce curate ies toate din apa cea de munte ...
Si calugarii-s iubitori de flori, vad niste begonii de toata frumusetea la schit :)
Good photo's with nice details....thanks for posting.
Greetings, Joop
Dani, erau niste cergi pregatite pentru spalat acolo, valtoarea e inca activa si am vorbit cu proprietarul ei, care s-a nimerit pe acolo. Begoniile sunt intr-adevar minunate, le-am fotografiat si individual. Le merge foarte bine la altitudinea aceea.
Thank you, Joop! Have a nice day!
I love taking walks with you, seeing such beautiful and unique places through your eyes... it is a marvel and a joy :^)
I love wood works and carved wood, but also the mosaics are something special here!
I feel honored, Doug:)
Thanks VP! Have you seen the benches around the church?
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