Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Visul canadian ep.7 Gradina japoneza din Victoria, BC / Canadian Dream ep.7 The Japanese Garden from Victoria, BC

In 2010 I started a series about my travel to British Columbia (2005). I do not know why I did abandoned it but I want to start it again, to finish the story. If you want to catch up with the first six episodes, see below the links to the the posts.

The Art Gallery of Victoria is hosted in a nice, wooden, Victorian house from 1889. Besides the works of art, the gallery has in his little Japanese garden the only original shinto shrine in whole North America.

Shinto is one of the oldest relion in the world, with 3-4 millions adherents in Japan. The basis of this religion is the belief in kami (spirits) and the old deities.The name comes from the Chinese “shin tao”, which means “the way of the kami”.

In the little garden one may see Japanese mapples and bamboo, stone and metl lanterns, a basin with water for purification. The garden is very relaxing so I took advantage of it, as I was alone there.

In 2010 am inceput un serial despre British Columbia, Canada pe care apoi l-am abandonat. Mai e cate ceva de povestit despre calatoria mea acolo, in 2005, asa ca voi continua acum.

Galeria de Arta a capitalei statului BC, Victoria, are - pe langa colectiile de arta - o mica gradina japoneza, care adaposteste singurul altar shinto original, din toata America de Nord. Cladirea in care se afla galeria este o resedinta victoriana de la 1889, din lemn.

Pentru cine nu stie, shinto este una dintre cele mai vechi religii din lume. Ea are, in Japonia, 3-4 milioane de adepti. In esenta, se bazeaza pe credinta in kami (spirite) si vechii zei. Numele sau provine din chinezescul "shin tao" care inseamna "calea lui kami".
altarul shinto
Gradina, cu artari  japonezi si ferigi, cu pietre si felinare de piatra sau metal si un bazin pentru apa, pentru purificare, este foarte relaxanta. Am profitat din plin, fiind singura acolo. E o oaza estetica de liniste, care iti incarca bateriile!

Daca vreti sa va improspatati memoria cu episoadele anterioare, iata unde le gasiti:
ep.1   27.07.2010 - La pas prin Victoria, BC/Walking in Victoria, BC 
ep.2  3.07.2010 -   Visul unei zile de vara la Butchart Gardens/Summer Day Dream at Butchart Gardens
ep.3  9.07.2010 -   La plimbare in Vancouver (1)/ Walking in Vancouver, BC (1)
ep.4  10.07.2010 - La plimbare in Vancouver (2) / Walking in Vancouver, BC (2)
ep.5    1.11.2010 - Din Victoria la Tofino (1)/ From Victoria to Tofino (1)
ep.6  2.11.2010 -   Din Victoria la Tofino (2) / From Victoria to Tofino (2)


magda said...

Very interesting travel, my friend!!!
Thank you for the photo-walk!
Many greetings

Traveling Hawk said...

Hi, Magda! Thanks for the comment!

Vulpita Calatoare said...

Am vazut acum toate episoadele, superbe locuri, minunate fotografii!

VP said...

A corner of Japan in Canada!

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

A unique Japanes Garden

Joop Zand said...

Lovely garden and very good pictures with nice light.

Greetings, Joop

joo said...

You visited so many fascinating places! This one is gorgeous!

Traveling Hawk said...

Multumesc, Vulpita, ca ai avut pacienta sa te uiti la toate:)

Traveling Hawk said...

Indeed, VP!

Traveling Hawk said...

Small but very nice, Wong. Thanks!

Traveling Hawk said...

Thanks, Joop! Greetings!

Traveling Hawk said...

There have been a few, Joo:)

Helma said...

Sometimes you want something else to tell so you step on another trip. Now you're so again.

The carvings I se fantasist. It also explains the ritulen of purification I found interesting to read.

Greetings, Helma

Traveling Hawk said...

This is the story of my travel to Canada, Helma. It was interrupted by other trips made more recently. I have been to Canada in 2005.